ICA Graduate Power Tools

Every coach at ICA develops their own unique Power Tool. They begin with their coaching model and niche - so who they are going to coach and the process or model they are going to use to coach them. This is an important process because it is through this that our coaches really develop themselves as unique coaches with a point of difference in the market.

This tool will be something they have used or discovered with their clients. It is designed around the 'Reframing Perspectives' concept and is intended to help move their clients from a disempowered perspective to an empowered perspective.

View All Power Tools
  • Overwhelmed vs. Embracing

    A Coaching Power Tool By Fabienne Knobel
    Career Coach, SWITZERLAND

    Comprehending the differences in attitudes and approaches to events or obstacles between the viewpoints of “Overwhelmed vs. Embracing” requires navigating numerous steps. This power tool supplements the first stage in my GENKI coaching approach, which is to “grasp the current.” Although I haven’t yet directly coached this particular target group, I have spoken with many who have been impacted and who were willing to share their experiences with me. Because of their bravery in sharing and the guidance I received during this time, I was able to identify my power tools and get feedback.

  • Protagonista vs. Comparsa

    A Coaching Power Tool By Simona Carnevale
    Happiness Coach, ITALY

    Nell’ambito della ricerca del benessere e della felicità, la scelta tra assumere il ruolo di comparsa o di protagonista della propria vita richiede un’accurata riflessione sul copione che si desidera scrivere per se stessi.Essere comparse implica uno stato di passività di fronte agli eventi, con una percezione di distacco dal controllo della propria esistenza.Al contrario sposare il ruolo di attori protagonisti richiede il coraggio di prendersi la piena responsabilità delle proprie azioni e delle proprie scelte.Il passaggio dall’essere comparsa a protagonista presuppone l’essere pronti ad esplorare la verità autentica che risiede dentro di sé e ad agire di conseguenza, in coerenza con i propri valori e obiettivi.

  • Choice vs. Chance

    A Coaching Power Tool By David Keneford
    Leadership Coach, CANADA

    The Choice vs. Chance Power Tool: In our work as coaches, we frequently come across scenarios in which clients feel immobilized by events that appear to be beyond their control. When things go well, they either don’t give themselves enough credit for their decisions, or they fight to accept accountability when things don’t go as planned. People are prone to be trapped and fixated on the things that stand in their way, and this sense of powerlessness develops into a limiting worldview that obscures the things that we do, regrettably, have control over. I hope everything goes according to plan. However, it can be a great comfort to think that there is some higher power watching over us, guiding our way, and offering us guidance.

  • Empowered vs. Inhibited

    A Coaching Power Tool By Brett Amundson
    Leadership Coach, UNITED STATES

    With leadership training in mind, we created the Empower vs. Withhold Power tool, but the idea can be used in any context. The foundation of the empowerment emotion is the conviction that one has the capacity and agency to act by one’s judgment in any given circumstance. It is often associated with activities that motivate oneself or others to achieve important goals or objectives in the workplace. An inhibited emotion, in which a person feels they lack the permission or authority to make choices or chart their route, is the antithesis of empowerment. This idea frequently results from a lack of confidence, which may be brought on by someone needing help knowing what to do.

  • Inner vs. Outer

    A Coaching Power Tool By Heather Madden
    Mindset Coach, UNITED KINGDOM

    This inner vs. outer power tool came largely from an interview I had with Tugba Kirhan, project driver at Embercombe, a stunning 50-acre rewilding estate in Devon, England, bordering Dartmoor National Park. The Twin Trails program is implemented here to help individuals build closer connections with others, the natural environment, and themselves. I prefer to think of us as a hierarchy. Our innermost layer, which shapes our views, values, and behavioral patterns, is shaped by our upbringing, family, and the environment in which we were raised. Reconnecting with your authentic self and healing past traumas and wounds, some of which have been passed down for generations, can be challenging.

  • Clarity vs. Overwhelm

    A Coaching Power Tool By Jun Wang
    Sustainable Business Coach, GERMANY

    The clarity vs. overwhelm power tool assists the client in identifying priorities, establishing precise objectives, and being clear in the face of complexity. The intention is to support entrepreneurs in making well-informed decisions, avoiding overwhelm-induced paralysis, and focusing strategically on their mission. The clarity vs. overwhelm power tool worked well in helping the client rearrange their ideas and obtain a more all-encompassing understanding of their hiring objectives. The frank examination of the client’s worries and fears during the session paved the way for a more fruitful conversation about addressing recruiting obstacles. Clients found actionable strategies for increasing clarity in their recruiting processes, giving them the confidence to put them into practice to streamline their approach.

  • Denial vs. Acceptance

    A Coaching Power Tool By Kavita Bhandari
    Life Coach, HONG KONG

    In coaching, Denial vs. Acceptance are power tools that people can use to avoid acknowledging or identifying events, feelings, or objective facts. Acceptance is recognizing the unvarnished truths about who we are and the circumstances around us, both the good and the bad, without judging ourselves. In addition to providing clients with a safe space to explore their worldview, coaches can help them reframe their perspectives and add more effective coping mechanisms to their toolbox, increasing their confidence and strength. They can also encourage clients to create dependable support networks that will help them get through difficult times and embrace the idea that no matter what they face, they will overcome it.

  • Stagnation vs. Innovation

    A Coaching Power Tool By Greg Major
    Business Owners Coach, AUSTRALIA

    The concept of “Stagnation vs. Innovation” is discussed in this power tool. According to Cambridge Online (2023) “a situation in which something stays the same and does not grow or develop” is called stagnation. In the context of coaching, stagnation is evident when a person finds themselves unable to move, solve problems, or find other answers or treatments. According to Cambridge Online (2023), innovation is the “creation and use of new ideas and methods.” The concept of applying creative thinking to solve issues has roots in economics, but it also applies to commercial and personal problem-solving today.

  • Mindset vs. Mood Set

    A Coaching Power Tool By Elmarie Cronje
    Life Coach, SOUTH AFRICA

    By helping clients make psychological changes, this power tool Mindset vs. Mood Set enables them to discover unique answers and strategies. Transformative coaching prioritizes long-term changes in clients’ attitudes, actions, and mental patterns rather than offering temporary solutions. Reframing viewpoints and placing an emphasis on personal growth are key components of the objective of moving the client from their present condition to their desired one. The real power of coaching is not in change but in transformation. Change refers to brief alterations made to accomplish certain goals, whereas transformation refers to comprehensive, long-term changes in state, structure, and attitude. A complete mental change may be required for a transformational experience, such as quitting one’s job entirely to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor, whereas changing occupations entails applying one’s current talents in a new organization.

  • Belonging vs. Fitting In

    A Coaching Power Tool By Mila Ivanova
    Transformational Coach, BULGARIA

    This Belonging vs. Fitting In power tool illustrates how, frequently in life, our need for acceptance leads us to act in ways that are expected of us by our friends, family, acquaintances, and society at large. It costs money to conform to the norms of others in an attempt to fit in; it pulls us away from our principles and ourselves. The irony is that it keeps us from having the connections with others that we are wired to have. On the other side, belonging is freeing and powerful. Belonging entails having the bravery and vulnerability to reveal oneself to the outside world and being aware of what you want, who you are, and how you feel. Finally, when we can belong, we feel a sense of common humanity and a fulfilling and joyful existence.

  • Guilt vs. Self-Compassion

    A Coaching Power Tool By Ivana Braam
    Overseas Filipino Workers Coach, NETHERLANDS

    This Guilt vs. Self-Compassion power tool is intended to support those who can relate to my experiences and maybe aid them on their journey to inner peace in the future. As a coach, helping people reframe guilt-ridden thoughts and feelings into powerful self-compassion can lead to change. By asking questions that evoke awareness, clients can be made to reflect on themselves and understand their current situation. This idea will make it easier for someone to accept their existing circumstances. Regularly, recognizing and appreciating each client’s distinct abilities and experiences will also be beneficial for the coach.

  • Waste vs. Invest

    A Coaching Power Tool By Xiaoyu Zhang
    Career Coach, CHINA

    The Waste vs. Invest Power Tool: In my experience as a career counselor, several clients voiced displeasure with time-consuming repetitive duties and ongoing meetings at work. Uncertainty is another concern that people have when they decide to shift occupations. A questioning voice in my brain warns that if I make the wrong decision, my career and opportunity may be lost. To inspire others to enjoy their professional experiences, I’d want to demonstrate the Invest mindset in a professional atmosphere. It is inescapable to feel upset when we choose the wrong area, job, or industry. I understand how unpleasant it is to hear about huge technology businesses firing staff, freezing headcounts, and nearly bankrupting banks.